High-resolution dynamic susceptibility contrast perfusion imaging using higher-order temporal smoothness regularization

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High-resolution dynamic susceptibility contrast perfusion imaging using higher-order temporal smoothness regularization

Julia V. Velikina, Youngkyoo Jung, Aaron S. Field, Alexey A. Samsonov



To improve image quality and resolution of dynamic susceptibility contrast perfusion weighted imaging (DSC-PWI) by developing acquisition and reconstruction methods exploiting the temporal regularity property of DSC-PWI signal.

Theory and Methods

A novel regularized reconstruction is proposed that recovers DSC-PWI series from interleaved segmented spiral k-space acquisition using higher order temporal smoothness (HOTS) properties of the DSC-PWI signal. The HOTS regularization is designed to tackle representational insufficiency of the standard first-order temporal regularizations for supporting higher accelerations. The higher accelerations allow for k-space coverage with shorter spiral interleaves resulting in improved acquisition point spread function, and acquisition of images at multiple TEs for more accurate DSC-PWI analysis.


The methods were evaluated in simulated and in-vivo studies. HOTS regularization provided increasingly more accurate models for DSC-PWI than the standard first-order methods with either quadratic or robust norms at the expense of increased noise. HOTS DSC-PWI optimized for noise and accuracy demonstrated significant advantages over both spiral DSC-PWI without temporal regularization and traditional echo-planar DSC-PWI, improving resolution and mitigating image artifacts associated with long readout, including blurring and geometric distortions. In context of multi-echo DSC-PWI, the novel methods allowed ∼4.3× decrease of voxel volume, providing 2× number of TEs compared to the previously published results.


Proposed HOTS reconstruction combined with dynamic spiral sampling represents a valid mechanism for improving image quality and resolution of DSC-PWI significantly beyond those available with established fast imaging techniques.