Model-based reconstruction for looping-star MRI

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Model-based reconstruction for looping-star MRI

Haowei Xiang, Jeffrey A. Fessler, Douglas C. Noll



The aim of this study was to develop a reconstruction method that more fully models the signals and reconstructs gradient echo (GRE) images without sacrificing the signal to noise ratio and spatial resolution, compared to conventional gridding and model-based image reconstruction method.


By modeling the trajectories for every spoke and simplifying the scenario to only echo-in and echo-out mixture, the approach explicitly models the overlapping echoes. After modeling the overlapping echoes with two system matrices, we use the conjugate gradient algorithm (CG-SENSE) with the nonuniform FFT (NUFFT) to optimize the image reconstruction cost function.


The proposed method is demonstrated in phantoms and in-vivo volunteer experiments for three-dimensional, high-resolution T2*-weighted imaging and functional MRI tasks. Compared to the gridding method, the high resolution protocol exhibits improved spatial resolution and reduced signal loss as a result of less intra-voxel dephasing. The fMRI task shows that the proposed model-based method produced images with reduced artifacts and blurring as well as more stable and prominent time courses.


The proposed model-based reconstruction results shows improved spatial resolution and reduced artifacts. The fMRI task shows improved time series and activation map due to the reduced overlapping echoes and under-sampling artifacts.