Multi-readout DWI with a reduced FOV for studying the coupling between diffusion and T2* relaxation in the prostate

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Multi-readout DWI with a reduced FOV for studying the coupling between diffusion and T2* relaxation in the prostate

Kaibao Sun, Guangyu Dan, Zheng Zhong, Xiaohong Joe Zhou



To develop a DWI sequence with multiple readout echo-trains in a single shot (multi-readout DWI) over a reduced FOV, and to demonstrate its ability to achieve high data acquisition efficiency in the study of coupling between diffusion and relaxation in the human prostate.


The proposed multi-readout DWI sequence plays out multiple EPI readout echo-trains after a Stejskal-Tanner diffusion preparation module. Each EPI readout echo-train corresponded to a distinct effective TE. To maintain a high spatial resolution with a relatively short echo-train for each readout, a 2D RF pulse was used to limit the FOV. Experiments were performed on the prostate of six healthy subjects to acquire a set of images with three b values (0, 500, and 1000 s/mm2) and three TEs (63.0, 78.8, and 94.6 ms), producing three ADC maps at different TEs and three T2* maps at different b values.


Multi-readout DWI enabled a threefold acceleration without compromising the spatial resolution when compared with a conventional single-readout sequence. Images with three b values and three TEs were obtained in 3 min 40 s with an adequate SNR (≥ 26.9). The ADC values (1.45 ± 0.13, 1.52 ± 0.14, and 1.58 ± 0.15 μμm2/ms; P < 0.01) exhibited an increasing trend as TEs increased (63.0 ms, 78.8 ms, and 94.6 ms), whereas T2* values (74.78 ± 13.21, 63.21 ± 7.84, and 56.61 ± 5.05 ms; P < 0.01) decreases as the b values increased (0, 500, and 1000 s/mm2).


The multi-readout DWI sequence over a reduced FOV provides a time-efficient technique to study the coupling between diffusion and relaxation times.